” Propel businesses to the next level “

Trinity Global Services over the last eight years has built credibility and awareness for companies and their leadership teams. As a strategic partner for growing public companies, we comprehend every aspect of our clients’ businesses and industry sectors as well as the financial environment in which they operate. We understand which messages will resonate with investors, analysts and the media. We are also adept at crafting persuasive reasons for investment in a company.

Our Investor Relations services include

IR websites

Compliant blog and social media outreach Positioning and key message development

Media relations

Conference call scripts and Q&A

Press releases and optimized news

Transaction communications

Internal/ employee communications Road-shows and investor meetings

Media and presentation, training

Media tours and press conferences Crisis communications/ online crisis management
Awards and speaking engagements Online presence and reputation management

Media and investor kits and online materials development


Shareholder + Analyst Communication

Clients leverage the relationships and experience to develop and deliver dedicated campaigns to communicate key messages to support a significant milestone or activity to the market.

Investor Perception Audits

Investor audits, perception studies and bench-marking are often the mainstream of our investor relations programs. Trinity Global undertakes these among buy and sell-side groups, and uses the data to develop or refine the client’s approach to communicating with the market.

Buy-Side Strategy & Outreach

Institutionalize client message and positioning

Reputation Management

Facilitate financial and strategic conference calls

Investor outreach that favours quality over quantity

Leadership positioning and building trust

Investor profiles & post-meeting feedback

Sell-Side Strategy

Incremental research coverage

Improve quality of research

Analyst management

IPO Advisory

IPO Process Through Pricing

Financial Review & Due Diligence

Build Comprehensive 12-Month IR Calendar

Initiate  Capital Markets Strategy

Peer Group Analytics, Metrics & Comp Groups

Implement REG-FD Policies and Procedures

Introduction to Capital and Investment Banks

Facilitate Analyst Due Diligence Meetings IR Competitive Analysis and IR Intelligence

Corporate Message Positioning

Initiate Research Analyst Coverage & Analyst Management

Public Relations and Media Management Development

Presentation Development & Delivery Pitch Investor Feedback & Perception Study Post-IPO

Trinity Global has extensive experience in the management of Annual General and Extraordinary General Meetings, and other corporate events. Services include the drafting of announcements, development of presentation materials, speech-writing and pre-event training.

Financial Results & Shareholder letters

During the busy period of half and full-year financial results, Trinity Global provides clients with the full spectrum of communication support services. These include the drafting of announcements and presentation materials, and the critical strategic counsel to manage key messages and the inevitable issues, with institutional and retail shareholders, analysts, financial media and sector commentators.

Financial & Industry Analyst Relations

The financial media can be one of the most powerful platforms for communicating with current and potential investors, regulators, stakeholders and the wider business community. Trinity Global has long-standing media relationships and a deep understanding of how the financial media operates, which enables us to achieve our clients’ objectives. We use this knowledge to manage ongoing programs for our clients that encourage greater understanding, build relationships and increase recognition of the investment proposition.